Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

IKA Bali Cake Wedding Purple Yellow

IKA Bali Cake Wedding Purple Yellow

We made this cake for 2 friends of us. Congrat guys!!

Bassically we had one three layers cake on top and cupcakes surrouding that cake. The cake was covered with fondant.

We had yellow fondant roses on top of the cake and cupcakes. 
We made customized cake for wedding, birthday and all other occation.

just visit us at

Warmest regards from Bali

IKA Bali Cake

IKA Bali Anniversary Cake BMW Car Replica

IKA Bali Anniversary Cake BMW Car Replica

It was a nice challange for us to make this car out of fondant. To be honest, I had to really learn from many internet bmw car sites to see how the car look like. Since I had to ma it in 3D, I needed to know from all sides how the car look like.

The result....

Well, I think, it was not bad, right?

Maybe next time different car??

Warmest Greetings from Bali

IKA Bali Cake

IKA Bali Chinese Theme Birthday Cake

IKA Bali Chinese Theme Birthday Cake

Resently we got an order of making the cake for our customer's grand mother, who had her 60th birthday. The theme was chinese... We got an example how the cake should look like. I think we had made it as simmilar as we could.

chinese birthday ika bali cake

My personal challenge was to make those chinese characters on that small white fondant back ground. It was not that easy since the letters were quite small.

All of the figurines were made out of fondant.

I hope they enjoy the cake and thank you for your order.

Warmest regards
IKA Bali Cake



Pie Susu adalah salah satu jajanan yang biasanya di jadikan oleh-oleh khas ketika berlibur ke Bali. Pie susu dapat di dapatkan diberbagai toko oleh-oleh dan toko-toko kue di Bali. 

Pie Susu mempunyai rasa yang manis, berasa susunya dan berkulit agak keras.

Pie Susu mengandung susu yang sebenarnya tidak tahan begitu lama. Jadi sebagian besar pie susu yang mempunyai batas kadaluarsa yang panjang, kemungkinan besar memakai bahan-bahan pengawet.
Kami menyediakan Pie susu sengan kualitas premium. 

pie susu super bali

Pie Susu Super terasa lebih enak di mulut, TIDAK GETIR atau menyebabkan rasa yang tidak enak dimulut setelah memakannya, HALAL, dengan FLA TEBAL dan pastinya TANPA bahan PENGAWET.
Kami bisa kirim Pie Susu Super kami ke hotel. Untuk pemesanan luar kota kami biasa memakai JNE YES. Pie Susu bisa sampai ke tempat anda dalam satu hari. Untuk info lebih lanjut silakan menghubungi kami.

Kontak kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau email kami di
Terima Kasih dan selamat menikamti PIE SUSU BALI SUPER

pie susu super bali

Selamat menikmati


Tiger and Sheep

IKA Bali Cake Tiger and Sheep

We had a customer from Hongkong wanted to have a birthday cake for his girlfriend. 
He described a cake with 2D figurine of a sheep and a tiger holding a love heart together.
It was not that easy to make the tiger especially. 

We finally made the cake as it is shown below:

tiger sheep ika bali cake

I really hope they will enjoy the cake.

All of the decoration are made out of fondant.

Happy Birthday Stephanie.